Hi, everyone. Did you all have a good weekend? Well, mine was fantastically busy. My brother and his wife and some relatives came back and you know....... it is entertainment time. Of course it was enjoyable. We get to go places that ordinarily we don't because we don't have time but when someone comes back for a visit, all the 'no time' will be 'have time' for this and that. And then of course we get to eat lots of good food. Ha! Ha! Ha! Furthermore, it was Hari Raya.
On Friday, a group of us made an appointment to visit an old Malay classmate who was and still is as crazy as us eventhough she holds a high position today. She is the Vice Principal of a secondary school. But friends when well bonded are still good friends. In my group was an Indian, a Ceylonese, 3 Chinese and a Malay. We have other friends of different race but they were busy visiting and devouring delicious cookies and good homecooked food. While visiting, a group of young Malay boys from the village just walked in and the host welcomed them warmly. This is the custom of the Malay. But we too have our 'open house' where anyone of our friends can just drop in without the need to make any appointments. But with this Malay friend, we did so that she would cook for us. She is single and she hardly cooks so how could we just go and visit her without eating? Nah... impossible so we told her we were coming and she had to cook! Fortunately for us, she cooks twice a year. One is on Hari Raya and the other is on..... I can't remember. Sorry. And I want to share with you that we five ladies got lost. Her house was so near, just a row behind the row of houses of the main road. We went round and round, perhaps no less than 10 times when one of us in great desparation recalled that Jasmine's house was a white house and lo and behold, we saw the white house in between the front row of houses. What utter relief! What could have made one of us able to remember? I guess we were propelled by pangs of hunger so we could not give up.Desparate for food......!
We had a good time. We polished her rendang and her yummy cookies. She said it is a secret and this got me all excited to unravel it. Well, wish me luck and if my Malay friend, Jasmine is reading this blog, I hope she will not be offended because she will understand that each person's hand in holding the ladle produce a different taste. Right Jasmine, my friend? We will come again next year and perhaps I will share with you my secret recipe of cooking chicken curry. No, I don't mean to say yours was no good, I would just like to share mine with you since you entertain more than me.
I used to entertain but now.....sigh....really busy. Yeah, my friends reprimanded me for not joining facebook. I think I just registered but I am not sure if I will have the time for facebook. Then why manage two blogs? I don't have to talk or reply right? Here I just talk as if I am writing a dairy. Well.... enough of my preamble. Let's get down to serious matter. Yes, learning to make bread crumbs.
Whenever a recipe calls for bread crumbs, my heart really crumbles because I don't store bread crumbs as I seldom do deep frying. Not that I am so health conscious that I forgo frying but there is a story behind it.
The secret story - One evening I fried 10 fish. They tasted absolutely wonderful but the oil hang in the air and no matter what I did even listening to old wives' tale that if we covered the wok, the oil smell would be reduced but that day..... the oil hang in the air settling on towels and the study room with three
computers. It was in the sitting room as well. Oh, my gosh. I don't what came over me, I used an oil based perfume and spray the entire house. At last I managed to overcome the smell of oil but you know what? I killed all my husband's fishes over night.
A week later, he cleared his aquarium, declaring very sweetly that he would not rear any more fish. Quilt ate into me and I apologized profusely. But he was firm in his decision. So, you see why I don't do deep fry often. Now, let's get to the point on how to make bread crumbs before I rattle off again.
8 pieces of bread
1. Dry them in the sun.
To do a quick job would be to toast it over and over again in the electric over.
2. Break the pieces.
3. Pound them to fine powdery form.
Your bread crumbs are ready for usepan>

Pound the bread

Bread crumbs ready for use
The uses of bread crumbs:
1. To coat your pieces of chicken for frying.
2. To be added into your mince meat to make meat balls.
3. To coat your prawns and fish for frying.
4. To thicken and give taste to your carbonara sauce.
5. To make chicken or meat patties.
6. To spread over dishes.
If you have any more use for it, please let me know. Bye.............